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Why Was It Never Found?

(1) Matthew 28:1: "In the end of the Sabbath, as it began to dawn toward THE FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulcher."
   When Matthew wrote this in AD 53, (or about 22 years after Jesus Christ ascended into heaven), he didn't say that now the first day of the week has become the Lord's Day or the Christian Sabbath. Notice he called the Sabbath by it's God given name. It was still God's Holy Rest Day in AD 53 or 22 years after the new covenant (the word Sabbath means Rest). The 1st day of the week was no special day. Then what authority does any preacher or any religious teacher have to say that, "We're keeping Sunday in honor of the Resurrection", if the Bible doesn't say so? A Bible day is from "even unto even" (evening to evening).  (Leviticus 23:32)  "Even" is when the sun set - Mark 1:32)  So where did we get the idea that the day begins 1 minute after midnight? That's some more tradition. According to the Bible the end of the Sabbath is at sunset. Read also (II Timothy 4:3,4), where it tells of a time when people would not believe sound doctrine and would turn to fables.