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Why Was It Never Found?

   What is this lost text that has never been found? The text that has never been found is, "That we keep Sunday in honor of the Resurrection." If you were to ask any individual, any preacher, any person who observes Sunday, "Why do we keep Sunday as a religious day?" they would say, "We keep it in honor of the Resurrection."

   We are going to search the bible for you, every passage that mentions the first day of the week. And if there is any bible authority for so doing, then we all should do it. If it is only tradition, and we are only following some church creed, then we should turn our backs on the creed and take God's Holy Word. For there is only one way for us to know the truth and that is to continue in God's Holy Word.

   John 8:31, 32: "Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

   As Godly, sincere Christians, we should stick to the pledge of Protestantism. We should take the Bible, the whole Bible and nothing but the Bible. If there is any Bible authority for 1st day Worship, if it is the Christian Sabbath, if it is The Lord's Day, we're going to find it in some of these passages. We will read every passage of the Bible that deals with the 1st day of the week. Then you will be intelligently informed as to what the Bible teaches about 1st day worship. Anyone confused about which is the first day of the week can look at any calendar and see that it is Sunday. It always has been. The daily sequence of days has NEVER changed.
   * The 1st day of the week is only mentioned 8 times in the new testament and once in the old and we'll give you all of them. Click the "next" button to continue.